Soundtracks Now Available!

Attention all singers!!! We’re happy to announce that we now have soundtracks available for our latest recording, “Before The Rain”. Visit our Online Store to get the soundtracks to all of your favorites songs by The Dills! The soundtracks for the entire project are available on compact disc or individual songs can be downloaded in mp3 format for only $5.99 each!


    1. Hey Tamara… you can purchase Soundtracks by clicking on the “store” tab on our website. Let us know if you have any problems or questions.

  1. I attend a small holiness church in Morristown Tn. And I enjoy your music ministering and was wondering what you charge to come to minister at our church. We are trying to raise money to build a larger church on the land the church just purchased. We are praying for souls to be saved and giving God praise for all he has done for our small congregation in the past year. Hope to hear from you

  2. Do you have a soundtrack for the song, I think the title is: It’s only the first time”? That is a very beautiful song and I can’t find it in your store. Thank you sooooo much

    1. Hey Kim… That song is on the “God Is In Control” recording. You should be able to find it in the store of our website. Thanks for checking! God Bless!

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  1. Jesus Messiah Dill Sisters 0:46
  2. Little By Little Dill Sisters 0:44
  3. Wonderful, Merciful Savior Dill Sisters 0:52
  4. Good, Good Father Dill Sisters 0:27
  5. Amazing Grace (violin) Dill Sisters 0:22