I hope that you are having a great week! God has given me several opportunities over the last few weeks to see Him work in such amazing ways. Earlier this month we were blessed to lead worship at a 1 day mission trip in El Dorado, AR. Nearly 2,000 believers from the entire state of Arkansas joined together for the common purpose of ministering to the communities surrounding El Dorado! They spent the entire day offering free medical and dental services, painting homes, providing free meals, hosting block parties for children and so much more… all while sharing the love of Christ! As a result of this one day effort, 69 souls were saved!!! I’m sure that even more decisions have been made as a result of the seeds that were planted on that day!

Over the last few months Bridget and I have been preparing to serve on a weekend called “Faithwalk”. This is something that we both were privileged to attend in the spring and felt that we needed to give back and serve in this amazing ministry. It is a ministry similar to “Walk to Emmaus”. It’s a weekend designed for believers to unplug from the world, focus on their relationship with Christ and be bathed in the love of Christ like never before! Needless to say it is a little bit of heaven on earth. During the men’s walk, I was honored to be able to lead worship along with a dear friend, Graham Inman. It is a weekend full of worship, testimonies, food, laughter, food, music, meditation… and did I mention food? God really moved and worked in the lives of the guys on this weekend! Even though this weekend is designed so Christians can strengthen their walk… 5 men accepted Christ during those 3 days, officially starting their “walk” with Christ! Praise the Lord!!!
Ever wonder what God’s plan is for your life? His ultimate desire is for you to live in His joy and share that joy with everyone you meet! A friend recently told me, “Satan can’t make you bad… but he can make you busy!” If we ever become too busy to read our Bible or spend time alone with God then we are busier than God ever intended! Slow down, receive God’s love though His word… and then pour that love into the lives of those around you! That’s God’s plan for us all!
We hope to see you soon!
Many Blessings,